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L i q u i d F a n t a s y
about lapis | lucida | cafe de la paix
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almost transparent red
narcisse noir
almost transparent blue
park hye kyung
you forget
happy end
made in heaven #1
made in heaven #2
fairy tale
misty marie
eyes on me
everybody hurts
people in the city
la peace
afternoon repose
another day another way
in my place
le ciel
lost at sea
your secret garden
silent echo
something about us
the late
beyond the frame
the whole heart
defying gravity
diamond forever
heavenly creatures
lazy days
rainy day

cafe de la paix

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<br />
<br />North Korea Says Missile Launches Thousands Keys Today
<br />
<br />North Korea today launched a missile at thousands of kilometers and it is likely to be able to understand North Korea after seeing the news that it falls over the Pacific Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, and I understand the Sunshine Policy and former President Park Geun - hye.
<br />
<br />I know that the technology to make a missile (IRBM) flying at thousands of kilometers today is more difficult than the technology of making a plutonium of a nuclear bomb.
<br />
<br />It takes a long time for North Korea to shoot these missiles and conduct nuclear bomb tests, so we have concluded that the sunshine policy has been carried out and that we have continued to study and experiment in the ground while the Kaesong Industrial Complex is in operation
<br />
<br />Mt. Geumgang tourism and Kaesong Industrial Complex have been operating and have produced these nuclear bombs and missiles with the dollars they have received, and it is estimated that they have accumulated sufficient funds for the necessary expenses.
<br />At that time, it seemed that North Korea was not helped by providing too expensive tourist admission fees and renting the Gaesong Industrial Complex.
<br />
<br />It is estimated that the monthly salary of experts who study and make nuclear bombs and missiles in North Korea is less than 100,000 won per month
<br />Because it is a communist country, I understand that the job of cleaning, missile researchers, and salary are the same.
<br />This cheap labor will go into the research budget so we can make enough nuclear bombs and missiles.
<br />
<br />So the closure of Park Geun-hye, the former president of the Gaeseong Industrial Complex, seems to be e-valuated as an accomplishment of seeing the ballistic missile launch today.
<br />
<br />  ¤Ñ West German coach (Oh Byung-hwa) ¤Ñ


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