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happy end
made in heaven #1
made in heaven #2
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misty marie
eyes on me
everybody hurts
people in the city
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afternoon repose
another day another way
in my place
le ciel
lost at sea
your secret garden
silent echo
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the late
beyond the frame
the whole heart
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diamond forever
heavenly creatures
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rainy day

cafe de la paix

Çö´ë°Ç¼³ »ç±âºÐ¾ç, ´ë¹ý¿ø È®Á¤ ÆÇ°á
Á¦È¿¿À  2019-01-14 23:34:00
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35744   1    ¼Û¿µ¾Æ 2018/12/26 71
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35742   Ä«Áö³ëÁÖ¼Ò§ÞbfR8.£Ã£Ã£Í£±£²£´¡££Ø£Ù£Ú ¡Ä½ºÆ÷Ã÷°æ¸¶ ¿¹»óÁö ¼­¿ï°æ¸¶ ÃßõG¶óÀ̺êÄ«Áö³ë ¡Ù    ºÀ³¯¾ß 2018/11/24 71
35741   ÅäÅä ¹è´çÀÎÅͳݽ½·Ô¸Ó½Å£« nnBN.TOPP521¡££Ø£Ù£Ú ?¼­¿ïÀÏ¿ä°æ¸¶°á°úÆÄĪÄÚ°ø·« ¢Õ    ºÀ³¯¾ß 2018/11/24 71
35740   ¹®È­ºí·¢¸®½ºÆ® ¹üÁ˾ƴÑÁ¤Ã¥¹®Á¦´Ù    ºÀ³¯¾ß 2018/11/21 71
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35737   Á¤Ç° ·¹ºñÆ®¶óÁ¤Ç° Á¶·ç¹æÁöÁ¦ºÎ\Àۿ맾 qv7F.£Ö£ã£³£µ£´¡££ø£ù£ú ¢Á¸Ô´Â Á¶·çÄ¡·áÁ¦ °¡°Ý½Ã¾Ë¸®½º ±¸¸Åó §®    ¸ÅÀ¯¼Û 2019/06/24 70
35736   ÇѺû 1È£±â ¼öµ¿ Á¤Áö Á¶»ç °á°ú ¹ßÇ¥    ³ú´ÞÇØ 2019/06/24 70
35735   ¹ß±âºÎÀüÄ¡·áÁ¦ ±¸¸Å »çÀÌÆ®§Ë hrXR¡£JVG735.£ø£ù£ú §Ë¸Þ°¡³Ø½ºÄíÆÎ ¡Ã    ÇÇ亴 2019/02/22 70
35733   ±èº´¿Á Ãø À½ÁÖ¿îÀü °ø½Ä »ç°ú "º¯¸í ¿©Áö ¾ø¾î, Ã¥ÀÓ Åë°¨"¡¦'Çѳ¢Áݼî' °á¹æ È®Á¤    ¾Æ¿ÀÇØ 2019/02/13 70
35732   ³ª¿µ¼®¡¤Á¤À¯¹Ì °¡Â¥´º½º ÀÛ¼º¡¤À¯Æ÷ÀÚ °Ë°Å¡¦Á¤À¯¹Ì Ãø "Àý´ë ¼±Ã³¡¤ÇÕÀÇ ¾ø´Ù"    Àº±Ôºñ 2019/02/13 70
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35730   ITALY SOCCER UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE    ´ëÀ¯»ç 2019/02/12 70

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