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cafe de la paix

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<br />  ¤Ñ¼­µ¶ÄÚÄ¡(¿Àº´È­)¤Ñ
<br />
<br />The next government
<br />Reporting
<br />010 ¤Ñ 5555 ¤Ñ Make a representative phone number like 5555 and make a katok photo so that you can not eat too much.
<br />I think that it is necessary to create a food paparazzi system by making a food experts committee at a government agency that has been reported and conducting a first screening by photo identification and if necessary, conducting a due diligence for more than a week to inspect food distribution and cost accounting
<br />
<br /> The difference between the taste and the quality of the food produced at a fixed amount per day, though the food is calculated at a certain amount per person at the place where the government budget such as the Kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, orphanage, medical institution, Schools are very different.
<br />
<br />I think that it is necessary to create the paparazzi representative phone number notification system which monitors the food of all places made with the national budget in order to prevent the government budget that goes out in the midst of this food and to provide good and delicious food to the people
<br />
<br />These contents are considered to be a system that can realize the presidential candidates who worry about the future and think about the future rather than the presidential candidates that are likely to bring North Korea& #39;s budget to the country.
<br />
<br />The private nonprofit corporation also thinks that it is necessary to examine and investigate the food report.
<br />
<br />  ¤Ñ West German coach (Oh Byung-hwa) ¤Ñ


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35339   Á¶·ç¹æÁö Á¦ Á¤Ç° ±¸ÀÔó »çÀÌÆ®¦Ô 1i93¡£YGS982¡££ø£ù£ú ¦ÔÁ¶·ç¹æÁöÁ¦ Á¤Ç° ÆǸÅó ¦ã    µ¿»ìÈÖ 2019/02/21 52
35338   ³ª´©´Â ÀÔÀ¸·Î º¸¿´´Ù. Åð±Ù Áö³µÀ»±î? ¾øÀÌ °¡±î¿î    Àº±Ôºñ 2019/01/27 52
35337   Àü¼úÇÙ Àç¹èÄ¡... ¹®Á¦´Â Áß±¹, ·¯½Ã¾Æ°¡ ¾Æ´Ñ, ÀϺ»ÀÌ´Ù.    ´ëÀ¯³² 2019/01/11 52
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35327   ¿¹»ó ±Ý¿ä°æ¸¶¡ß i878¡££Ô£Ï£Ð£Ð£µ£²£±.£ø£ù£ú ¡Ô´Ù¸ð¾ÆÄ«Áö³ë»çÀÌÆ®°úõ°æ¸¶Àå¾Ë¹Ù¿À¼ÇÆÄÅ©¿ëÀÇ´«°âÇ°°ÔÀÓ»çÀÌÆ®¹ÙµÏÀ̽ÇÀü¼­¿ï¿¡À̽º°æ¸¶¹é°æ¿À¶ô±âü¸®¸¶¼­Æ®´Ù¿î °æ·ûÅõµ¥ÀÌ ¸±°ÔÀÓ½ÅõÁö ÄÚ¸®¾ÆÄ«Áö³ëÁÖ¼Ò ½½·Ô¸Ó½ÅÇ÷¡½Ã¦Ü    ºÀ³¯¾ß 2018/12/01 52
35326   ¹Ù´ÙÀ̾߱â3½½·Ô¸Ó½Å È¿°úÀ½¡þ lf2Z¡££Ã£Ã£Ô£Ð£´£³£°¡££Ø£Ù£Ú ¡¿¿À¸®Áö³¯¹Ù¡©´ÙÀÌ¡©¾ß±âȲ±Ý¼º¿À¶ô½Ç»çÁø ¡à    ºÀ³¯¾ß 2018/11/26 52
35325   ½Ç½Ã°£°æÁ¤¡ô fx46.£Ã£Ã£Ô£Ð£´£³£°.£ø£ù£ú ¢ÝºªÀÎÆ÷¹èÆõµ¿ì¹Ì §Ü    ºÀ³¯¾ß 2018/11/24 52

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