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cafe de la paix

¿Ü±³ºÎ, ñ顤ìí ¾÷¹« ºÐ¸® Á¶Á÷°³Æí ÀÔ¹ý ¿¹°í
µ¿¹æ¹Î¼ö  2019-04-16 06:15:45
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         <br><br>Ministry seeks to install new division in charge of sanctions implementation<br><br>   SEOUL, April 16 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's foreign ministry is pushing to expand a team in charge of enforcing U.N. Security Council (UNSC) sanctions against North Korea to create a new division, Seoul's foreign ministry said Tuesday.<br><br>   The move comes amid a recent increase in the number of ships suspected of engaging in illicit ship-to-ship transfers to North Korean vessels of oil and other items banned under the international sanctions regime.<br><br>   The ministry put on public notice a proposed revision to the existing enforcement regulations regarding its organizational structure, which the government legislation ministry has been poring over to see if there are any legal problems. <br><br>   Currently, the sanctions team is under the director for disarmament and nonproliferation supervised by the director general for nonproliferation and nuclear affairs. Should the team be expanded, the number of its personnel that has stood at five or less is likely to double.<br><br>   Some observers argue that the envisioned expansion of the team might be a response to Washington's emphasis on tighter sanctions enforcement to pressure Pyongyang to renounce its nuclear program.<br><br>   The ministry is also pushing to increase the number of divisions covering the Asia-Pacific region by one to three to beef up diplomacy with key partner countries in the region, including the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). <br><br>   At present, the Northeast Asian Affairs Bureau and South Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau are covering the Asia-Pacific region. <br><br>   Reshaping the current structure, it seeks to form an Asia-Pacific affairs bureau in charge of diplomacy related mainly to Japan and trilateral cooperation involving South Korea, China and Japan. For China and Mongolia, it plans to install the Northeast Asia affairs bureau. In addition, it is pursuing an ASEAN affairs bureau.<br><br>   The bureau dedicated to ASEAN affairs highlights Seoul's push to cement relations with the regional bloc, which is an increasingly crucial partner for South Korea due to its geopolitical value, growth potential and rich resources.<br><br>   The ministry expects the reorganization process to be completed by early May following required internal procedures, including Cabinet deliberations.<br><br><span class="end_photo_org"></span><br><br>   sshluck@yna.co.kr<br><br>(END)<br><br>

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35384   Á¦À̴Ͻº PC¿ÀÇÁ ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ¿¥¿ÀÇǽº, ±â¾÷ ÁÖ52½Ã°£ µ½´Â ¡®ÆÐÅ°ÁöÇü¡¯ »óÇ° Ãâ½Ã    °¨´Þ±Ô 2019/06/24 53
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35382   ¸¶À½À» ´Ù½º¸®´Â ¹ý¡Ó qnY8.£Ö£É£Á£²£°£±£¶.£ø£ù£ú ¡Ó¼º±â´É°³¼±Á¦±¸¸Å ¢Þ    ¼­À±¿© 2019/06/04 53
35381   °­¿ø·£µåºí·¢À踱½ÅõÁö¦Ä 0nPV.https://bdu11.com/ ¡ÏÁ¦Áְ渶 ¿¹»ó¹Ù´ÙÀ̾߱â½ÃÁð5 §Ö    ¿ìÁø 2019/05/19 53
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35379   Á¶·ç¹æÁöÁ¦ »ç¿ë¹ý¦× 2nHF¡££Ù£Ç£Ó£¹£¸£²¡££ø£ù£ú ¦×Ç㸮¿¡ ÁÁÀº ¿îµ¿ ¦È    ¼­À±¿© 2019/04/16 53
35378   ½Å¾ç´ÜºÒ¹ý¦Ø 3mI7.£Ù£Ç£ó£¹£¸£²¡££ø£ù£ú ¦ØÁ¤Ç° ½Ã¾Ë¸®½º °¡°Ý ?    ¼ÛÈ¿ÀÌ 2019/04/16 53
35377   ¿Ü±³ºÎ, ñ顤ìí ¾÷¹« ºÐ¸® Á¶Á÷°³Æí ÀÔ¹ý ¿¹°í    ³²±ÃÈ£¼³ 2019/04/16 53
35376   ¾¾¾Ë¿¢½º°ñµå¢Ð 9mO7.YGS982¡££ø£ù£ú ¢Ð±¤ÁÖÁ¶·çÁõÄ¡·á ¦Û    È£Áø¿¬ 2019/04/16 53
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